Source code for fdroid_dl.model.index

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    from import MutableMapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping
import re
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from time import mktime, strptime
import logging
    from urllib.parse import urljoin
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urljoin
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import shutil
from ..json import GenericJSONEncoder

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('model.Index')
[docs]class Index(MutableMapping): """ Main Class responsible for handling the f-droid's index.xml and index-v1.json files. """ def __init__(self, key=None, filename=None, format='json', default_locale='en-US', store=dict()): self.__key = key self.__filename = filename self.__format = format self.__default_locale = default_locale self.__store = store @classmethod def from_json(cls, source, **kwargs): if not hasattr(source, "read"): source = open(source, "r") kwargs['format'] = 'json' kwargs['filename'] = return cls(**kwargs).load(source) @classmethod def from_xml(cls, source, **kwargs): if not hasattr(source, "read"): source = open(source, "r") kwargs['format'] = 'xml' kwargs['filename'] = return cls(**kwargs).load(source) @property def filename(self): return str(self.__filename) @property def key(self): return str(self.__key) @property def repo_url(self): return str(self.__key) @property def format(self): return str(self.__format) @property def default_locale(self): return str(self.__default_locale) def find_appids(self, key): if key is None: raise KeyError("key must not be empty") ret_val = set() if key.startswith('regex:'): regexc = re.compile(key[6:], re.I | re.S) for app in self.__store['apps']: match = regexc.match(app['packageName']) if not match is None: ret_val.add(app['packageName']) elif key in ['*', '.*', 'all']: for app in self.__store['apps']: ret_val.add(app['packageName']) else: for app in self.__store['apps']: if app['packageName'] == key: ret_val.add(app['packageName']) return list(ret_val) def defaultnum(self, value): if value.isnumeric(): return int(value) return value def custom_func(self, xpath): if not xpath is None: regexc = re.compile(r'(.*?):(.*)$', re.I | re.S) match = regexc.match(xpath) if not match is None: return (, return (xpath, None) return (None, None) def run_custom_func(self, method, value): if method is None or value is None: return None try: return eval(method, {'mktime': mktime, 'strptime': strptime}, {'value': value}) except: LOGGER.exception("error in eval(%s)", method) def xmlattr(self, node, xml_node, key=None, xpath=None): if xpath is None and key is None: return None if xpath is None and not key is None: xpath = key value = self.xmlattrval(xml_node, xpath) if not value is None: if not key is None: node[key] = value else: node = value def xmlattrval(self, xml_node, xpath): if not xml_node is None: regexc = re.compile(r'^.*?\[@([^\]]+)\]$') match = regexc.match(xpath) if not match is None: attr_name = else: attr_name = xpath (xpath, func) = self.custom_func(xpath) if not xpath is None: xml_node = xml_node.find(xpath) if not xml_node is None: value = xml_node.get(attr_name, None) #print(xml_node,attr_name,value) if not value is None: if not func is None: return self.run_custom_func(func, self.defaultnum(value.strip())) else: return self.defaultnum(value.strip()) return None def xmltext(self, node, xml_node, key=None, xpath=None): if xpath is None and key is None: return None if xpath is None and not key is None: xpath = key value = self.xmltextval(xml_node, xpath) if not value is None: if not key is None: node[key] = value else: node = value def xmltextval(self, xml_node, xpath=None): (xpath, func) = self.custom_func(xpath) if not xpath is None: xml_node = xml_node.find(xpath) if not xml_node is None: value = xml_node.text if not value is None: if not func is None: return self.run_custom_func(func, self.defaultnum(value.strip())) else: return self.defaultnum(value.strip()) def xmllist(self, root, xpath): ret_val = [] regexc = re.compile(r'^.*?\[@([^\]]+)\]$') match = regexc.match(xpath) if not match is None: attr_name = matches = root.findall(xpath) if not matches is None: for match in matches: value = match.get(attr_name, None) if not value is None: ret_val.append(self.defaultnum(value.strip())) else: matches = root.findall(xpath) if not matches is None: for match in matches: value = self.xmltextval(match) if not value is None: ret_val.append(value) return ret_val def convert(self, root): self.__store = {} store = self.__store repo = root.find('repo') if not repo is None: srepo = store['repo'] = {} self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'timestamp', './repo[@timestamp]') self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'version', './repo[@version]') self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'maxage', './repo[@maxage]') self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'name', './repo[@name]') self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'icon', './repo[@icon]') self.xmlattr(srepo, root, 'url', './repo[@address]') self.xmltext(srepo, root, 'description', './description') srepo['mirrors'] = self.xmllist(repo, './mirror') requ = store['requests'] = {} requ['install'] = self.xmllist(root, './install[@packageName]') requ['uninstall'] = self.xmllist(root, './uninstall[@packageName]') apps = store['apps'] = [] pkgs = store['packages'] = {} applications = root.findall('application[@id]') for xmlapp in applications: app_val = {} self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'authorEmail', './email') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'authorName', './author') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'authorWebSite', './web') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'bitcoin', './bitcoin') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'donate', './donate') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'flattr', './flattr') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'liberapay', './liberapay') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'litecoin', './litecoin') cat = self.xmltextval(xmlapp, 'categories') if not cat is None and len(cat) > 0: app_val['categories'] = cat.split(',') afaet = self.xmltextval(xmlapp, 'antiFeatures') if not afaet is None and len(afaet) > 0: app_val['antiFeatures'] = afaet.split(',') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'suggestedVersionName', './marketversion') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'suggestedVersionCode', './marketvercode') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'issueTracker', './tracker') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'changelog', './changelog') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'license', './license') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'name', './name') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'sourceCode', './source') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'webSite', './web') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'added', './added:int(mktime(strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")))') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'icon', './icon') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'packageName', './id') self.xmltext(app_val, xmlapp, 'lastUpdated', './lastupdated:int(mktime(strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")))') loc = app_val['localized'] = {} dloc = loc[self.default_locale] = {} self.xmltext(dloc, xmlapp, 'description', './desc') self.xmltext(dloc, xmlapp, 'summary', './summary') app_id = self.xmltextval(xmlapp, './id') if not app_id is None: pkg = pkgs[app_id] = [] packages = xmlapp.findall('./package') for xmlpkg in packages: pkg_val = {} self.xmltext( pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'added', './added:int(mktime(strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")))') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'apkName', './apkname') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'hash', './hash') self.xmlattr(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'hashType', './hash[@type]') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'minSdkVersion', './sdkver') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'targetSdkVersion', './targetSdkVersion') pkg_val['packageName'] = app_id self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'sig', './sig') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'versionName', './version') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'versionCode', './versioncode') self.xmltext(pkg_val, xmlpkg, 'size', './size') perm = xmlpkg.find('permissions') if not perm is None: user_permission = pkg_val['uses-permission'] = [] user_permission_split = perm.text.split(",") for user_permission_str in user_permission_split: user_permission.append(['android.permission.'+user_permission_str.strip(), None]) if len(pkg_val) > 0: pkg.append(pkg_val) if len(app_val) > 1: apps.append(app_val)
[docs] def monkeypatch(self): ''' fixup metadata paths -> url ''' if not '_monkeypatched' in self.__store: if self.__key is None: raise AttributeError('key not defined') self.__store['_monkeypatched'] = True if 'packages' in self.__store: for key in self.__store['packages']: for pkg in self.__store['packages'][key]: pkg['apkName'] = urljoin(self.__key, pkg['apkName']) if not pkg.get('srcname') is None: pkg['srcname'] = urljoin( self.__key, pkg['srcname']) if 'apps' in self.__store: for app in self.__store['apps']: if 'icon' in app: app['icon'] = urljoin(self.__key, "icons/"+app['icon']) locs = app.get('localized', {}) for k in locs.keys(): loc = locs[k] if 'icon' in loc: loc['icon'] = urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/'+loc['icon']) if 'featureGraphic' in loc: loc['featureGraphic'] = urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/'+loc['featureGraphic']) if 'promoGraphic' in loc: loc['promoGraphic'] = urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/'+loc['promoGraphic']) if 'tvBanner' in loc: loc['tvBanner'] = urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/'+loc['tvBanner']) if 'phoneScreenshots' in loc: loc['phoneScreenshots'] = [urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/phoneScreenshots/'+value) for value in loc['phoneScreenshots']] if 'sevenInchScreenshots' in loc: loc['sevenInchScreenshots'] = [urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/sevenInchScreenshots/'+value) for value in loc['sevenInchScreenshots']] if 'tenInchScreenshots' in loc: loc['tenInchScreenshots'] = [urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/tenInchScreenshots/'+value) for value in loc['tenInchScreenshots']] if 'tvScreenshots' in loc: loc['tvScreenshots'] = [urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/tvScreenshots/'+value) for value in loc['tvScreenshots']] if 'wearScreenshots' in loc: loc['wearScreenshots'] = [urljoin( self.__key, app['packageName']+'/'+k+'/wearScreenshots/'+value) for value in loc['wearScreenshots']] return self
def load(self, file, format=None): if not hasattr(file, 'read'): file = open(file, 'r') if not format is None: self.__format = format if self.__format == 'json': with file as idxfl: self.__store = json.load(idxfl) elif self.__format == 'xml': # we have no json verison we need som transformation to apply tree = ET.parse(file) file.close() root = tree.getroot() self.convert(root) self.__format = 'json' else: # try loading json anyway try: self.load(file, format='json') except: self.load(file, format='xml') return self def save(self, filename=None): if not filename is None: self.__filename = filename with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as tmp: json.dump(self.__store, tmp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, cls=GenericJSONEncoder) tmp.flush() shutil.copy(, self.__filename) return self def __repr__(self): return "<Index: %s>" % str(json.dumps(self.__store, indent=4)) @property def __json__(self): ''' make Index json serializable ''' return self.__store ####################### # implement "dict" ####################### def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__store[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__store[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.__store[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__store) def __len__(self): return len(self.__store) ####################### # implement "with" ####################### def __enter__(self): self.load(self.__filename) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):