Command Line Interface

Main command parameters

Usage: fdroid-dl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Is a python based f-droid mirror generation and update utility. Point at
  one or more existing f-droid repositories and the utility will download
  the metadata (pictures, descriptions,..) for you and place it in your
  local system.

  Simply run "fdroid-dl update && fdroid update" in your folder with repo
  and you are set.

  -d, --debug               enable debug level logging
  -c, --config FILE         location of your fdroid-dl.json configuration file
                            [default: fdroid-dl.json]
  -r, --repo DIRECTORY      location of your fdroid repository to store the
                            apk files  [default: ./repo]
  -m, --metadata DIRECTORY  location of your fdroid metadata to store the
                            asset files  [default: ./metadata]
  --cache DIRECTORY         location for fdroid-dl to store cached data
                            [default: ./.cache]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  update  starts updating process

Update command parameters

Usage: fdroid-dl update [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --index / --no-index        download repository index files  [default: True]
  --metadata / --no-metadata  download metadata assset files  [default: True]
  --apk / --no-apk            download apk files  [default: True]
  --apk-versions INTEGER      how many versions of apk to download  [default:
  --src / --no-src            download src files  [default: True]
  --threads INTEGER           configure number of parallel threads used for
                              download  [default: 10]
  --head-timeout INTEGER      maximum time in seconds a HEAD request is
                              allowed to take  [default: 10]
  --index-timeout INTEGER     maximum time in seconds index file download is
                              allowed to take  [default: 60]
  --download-timeout INTEGER  maximum time in seconds file download is allowed
                              to take  [default: 60]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.